Posted by: Jordan | August 11, 2008

1st Mortgage Paid Off!


Why, yes, Pelly! I’m excited, too!

Yay! My chara is as happy as I am!

Oh, no problem, Nooky buddy. It was my pleasure, really.

Why, yes, yes it is…

Oh, you’ll remodel my house? Oh, great! Yes, a purple roof, please! I hope you don’t mess up…

Well, yay for my mortgage. πŸ˜€

Posted by: Jordan | August 11, 2008

Sophie from Sunset

Sophie knew that I’d restarted my town, so she came over with lots of stuff to help me get started. Very sweet of her. πŸ˜€


We planted flowers and trees for a while, because I’m trying to get a perfect town. Sigh. It’s hard.

She wanted to help me pay off my mortgage, but I wanted to do it by myself. We got in this argument about it. xD Finally though, I took the money. (But I put it in my savings account, not the mortgage, so THERE) xDD

Then we just talked for a while, and all that good stuff. Fun fun fun πŸ˜€

She wanted to see my house, as I’m sure you all do too. Isn’t it wonderful? xD Don’t answer that question. Sophie was like, “It’s cute, and… cozy”. Thanks, Sophie, but I realize it’s only a hobo’s dream house. Too bad for me. But I’m so close to getting the mortgage paid off!

She also gave me a shirt she had two of. πŸ˜€ Thanks, Sophie. (:

She had to go pretty soon after that, but it was a great time I had. Thanks for your gifts and company, Sophie. We’ll have to hang out again really soon. In fact, we will. I’m staying at her hotel tonight. πŸ˜€

Posted by: Jordan | August 10, 2008

Restarting Town: Welcome to Iolakana!

So, I restarted my town. Here’s the question I think you’ll ask. WHY!? Well, here’s the answer. When I bought my game, it was used. It came with a full mansion, a complete inventory of bugs, fish, and catalog. The mueseam was full, and all that jazz. πŸ™‚ I thought it was super-cool. But then, I thought that I kinda missed that part. All the challenges were gone. So, hence, the restart.

K.K. Slider was there in Dasslo, so I decided to have a farewell concert of K.K. SALSA! Take it away, Slider.

His Salsa was jammin’. Isn’t he dreamy? The most famous guy in AC:WW in singing… TO ME! How wonderful. xD

I thouroughly enjoyed the concert, and the camera FILMED ME! How great. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

Then… I restarted. (Sorry about the blurriness of this photo) Goodbye, Dasslo, hello, Iolakana! (Which means Jordan in Hawaiian. :D) My little house is pretty great, I have a nice little plant and a cute fairy-tale floor.

YAY! I FINISHED WORKING! My character was the happiest I’d ever seen it right about then. xD Then I worked a lot on the town, and finally got it to a little more than milk, but not quite a milkshake. Thanks, I think?

My neighbours are very cool. I have Melba, who was in my old town. I always liked herΒ  a lot, so it was cool to see her in this town.

Filberts’s the lazy type (and the cutest). It cracks me up. Well, I’ve met the King Of Chocolate Souffle. In his opinion…

Curly’s a jock. He asked me which is better, abs or biceps. ABS, OF COURSE.

And there’s my wonderful new town. I should have some golden tools in a week, which is EXCITING!

Posted by: Jordan | August 10, 2008

Looking for an update?

Okay, for those of you who slavishly read my blog daily; and then when it’s over, starve for more, here’s a post. (: Too bad I don’t have any of those readers!

I don’t have any pictures, because I’ve spent the last couple days working on a paint job at this old house. Sigh. Very tedious. So I’ve had a little time to play ACWW, just no pictures.

Well, Elvis moved away. He was grumpy, but I’d gotten to like him. 😦 Gwen moved back, the little brat. Meerhhher. Move away, Gwen. Maybe I’ll send her some letters with trash in them. πŸ˜€

I went to Sammy’s town, and Sophie was there. We talked for a little while, it was really fun. Then we messed around with watering cans. xD

And that was yesterday. ^^

Today, I visited my cousin’s town, got some new flowers, and accidentally dyed my hair green. Arggh. I don’t really find it extremely attractive.

Posted by: Jordan | August 8, 2008

Espeon in Jubilife

Today I had a little time on my hands, and I saw that Espeon was open. He has this wonderful game he plays, called the Game Of Life. I thought I’d stop by for a second.

He has a very cool town, with ‘nature houses’ made of trees. It’s really very fun to play in. πŸ˜€ We chatted for a while, and went in his house. It had some really cool rooms, but I didn’t get any pictures of them. ):

This picture is a little blurry, but it was very funny. He seemed a bit short, so I watered him to help him grow. πŸ™‚ I had a good laugh at that one. So then we chatted for a bit, and soon it was time for me to go. But thank you for the great time, Espeon! It was very fun!

Posted by: Jordan | August 8, 2008

My First AC:WW Pictures

I hope they turned out well. My old camera broke, but luckily my mom gave me her very old one, but it still has a USB port and seems to work fine. Here goes!

That is me, and my first picture. Yay. πŸ™‚ Also, there is my beautiful red mailbox. Wouldn’t it be neat if you could paint that?

That is my new neighbor, Sally. I just got her today and she seems very nice. πŸ˜€ Do any of you have her?

Well, I’m very glad that these picture turned out okay!

Happy trails, Jordan πŸ™‚

Posted by: Jordan | August 7, 2008

Visiting Miki

Today I went to go see Miki, a new friend. I met her from reading her blog, and she let me over! IΒ unfortunatelyΒ didn’t have a camera, but she did, so I swiped these pictures from her. πŸ˜€ When I first came she showed my all around her town. There was a lot of beautiful patterns and pictures, and flowers.Β 

I am on the right, Miki is on the left. (: This is a good picture of us!

We walked along her nice paths and I looked at the flowers and such. πŸ™‚

I was looking these Jacob’s Ladders, but I didn’t know what they were. She told me, of course, but at first I had thought they might be some strange version of a dandelion. xD

Then we went in her house! She had a very nice house, with a camping room, a disco room, a tea room, and a heck room. πŸ™‚

After I visited her one year old frog, he offered me cake and tea, which was great.Β 

Then we looked at her heck room which she was bored of but I thought was quite neat, and toasty. (Teehee).

Then we hung out and chatted for a while, and Hanna and Melissa came! Which was nice, I made some new friends. Soon Resetti broke up our little party, but it was a very fun time! Thank you guys!

(Left to right) I, Miki, Melissa, and Hanna.

Posted by: Jordan | August 7, 2008


Yesterday we had a TON of people visit ACCS and ask us to help them. First I picked about a thousand weeds, then, we went to Sammy’s town and got her Perfect Status. πŸ™‚ (By we, I mean me and my friend Zaira).Β  Oh, and ACCS stands for Animal Crossing Cleaning Service. I’m thinking of getting AR. It sure would beΒ a help. Man. After the PT was completed (yay), we went to Sophie’s and did the same with her. Zaira is really great with the flowers; I mostly planted trees. Then I went and picked more weeds for Justin, and finally finished by giving Anna more trees for her PT status. Then I felt kinda sick, so that was the end of that day. Productive, eh? πŸ™‚

Happy Trails!


Posted by: Jordan | August 6, 2008

Hey there!

Hey! My name’s Jordan, and this is my brand-spanking-new AC:WW blog. Any and all exciting news will be posted here, (hopefully, as long as I keep posting), and… yeah. I’m 14 years old, and I play the piano. πŸ™‚ Um, what else to say… Well, I’ll definately try to keep pictures on here.

The best way to take a picture, by the way, is to set it to macro mode with the flash off, and take the picture of your DS about 14 centimeters away from the screen. πŸ™‚ Got that from Miki’s blog,, check it out. πŸ™‚

Happy trails!
